Common Self-Repair Methods of Mobile Phone Battery

Nowadays, almost everyone has at least one mobile phone. We use for a long time during day. Actually, the parts of the mobile phone may occur some problem, if we are always non-stop used for a long time. Let’s introduce some common self-repair methods of the battery of mobile phone repair perth to you.


1. Clean Metal Contact Part Of Lithium Battery

Use clean eraser or other material cleaning tool gently wipe the lithium battery on the metal contact and therefore the mobile on the metal contacts to assist within the charging electrical power and lasting.

Lithium battery repair method of principle: the metal surface of the lithium batteries used for an extended time will have a particular degree of oxidation, resulting in telephone battery telephone with the contact isn’t good, lithium battery using the time becomes shorter, and eraser or other cleaning tool can erase surface rust material, make batteries and mobile contact changed for the higher .


2. Wrap And Freeze The Auto-Shutdown Mobile Phone

Will use automatic shutdown of the old mobile lithium battery with cling film to be firmly covert , parcel as docile, inside and out of doors a complete of three, to make sure that the battery is during a vacuum state. Then, within the film coated three layers of newspaper, the lithium battery is totally sealed. Into the refrigerator freezer, after 48 hours, remove the battery, one by one to get rid of wrapped in six layers of paper film, lithium battery no by freezing caused surface bulging or deformation. Cool for a short time , then recharge.

Low temperature can make electrolyte lithium battery internal change, promote just after the frozen battery reaction . Use lithium battery is really a process of charge and discharge. During this era , the Yin and Yang battery charge charger exchange collision. Battery the rationale why more and more by, because under normal temperature , the interior electronic K.E. is comparatively large, therefore the battery is within the active state, leakage is comparatively frequent. The lithium battery into the coldness environment, the microstructure of the surface of the lithium battery and lithium film and electrolyte, and their interface will change significantly, leading to internal battery temporarily inactive, leakage current is reduced. So again after charging, the phone will increase the time for electricity.


3. Re-Activate The Discharge Lithium Battery

Let to completely discharge the lithium battery scrap, then re activate the battery charging. Specific method: on the phone to a depth of discharge, is thru the depletion of internal energy, to realize a deeper level of recharging, which require to use some non-conventional methods. mobile and a coffee voltage bulb connected with a selected device, the interior battery power are going to be transmitted to a little bulb, until all shine. “Mobile phone through the low voltage electric energy consumed. Under normal circumstances, if the rated voltage below 3.6 volts of the mobile is switched on, it’ll automatically pack up .” After discharged, battery of iphone repair perth recharging are often used for a extended time.

On the phone for depth of discharge, is thru the depletion of internal energy, to realize a deeper level of recharging, which require to use some non-conventional methods. To consider how to attach the mobile with a 1.5V small lighting, the interior lithium battery power are going to be transferred to a little bulb, until all shine. “Mobile phone through the low voltage electric energy consumed. Under normal circumstances, if the rated voltage below 3.6 volts of the mobile is switched on, it’ll automatically pack up .” After discharged, mobile battery recharging are often used for a extended time.


Mobile Phone Battery Maintenance

1. According To The Time And Procedures Of Standard Charge

Even if is that the first 3 times to try to to so; when appear presentation of the mobile battery is just too low, should begin charging the maximum amount as possible during a timely manner;

2. Avoid Over Charging Time

Try to avoid charging before getting to bed, because before charging time is longer, and night voltage instability, in many parts of the night voltage is higher and fluctuation, influence on the battery greatly.

3. Normal Use of Lithium Battery

Lithium batteries don’t need special method, the traditional use of lithium battery within the mobile will naturally activated.

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